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Tuesday Pop-Up Vol. 12

  • MIKA 25 Thames Street Brooklyn, NY, 11206 United States (map)

Tuesday Pop Up Vol.11

Video by Jon Bewley

Tuesday Pop- Up at MIKA is an event that I curate to support local artists!

Place to Showcase, share thoughts and get inspired.

It is an event to support each other in this difficult time during this pandemic, especially artists who has been working hard to stay positive.

5th TUESDAY POP UP of 2021!!!

TIME for Shops: 5-9PM

YES!!! This time Tuesday Pop-Up Vol 12 will be all about connecting with your soul!!!

Let`s learn what REIKI is all about together! I am excited to announce that my

collaboration with a beautiful soul Graciela @manifestyoursoul and she will help opening up your chakra. She will also be there to do energy face painting after the reiki session!

*Reiki SESSIONs: Please bring your own YOGA mat or anything to lie down for a full experience but we will be providing chairs as well.


Reiki Session: 1st Session: 6:30pm 2nd Session: 8:30pm

Another collaborator is a beautiful visual artist Martel Ruffin, former dancer of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.  He will be performing his piece that shows us how to connect with your soul by moving your body and freeing yourself!

Dance Performance by MARTELL RUFFIN:

Time : 9PM

***These reiki session and dance performance will be two separate donation based sessions but please make sure to buy tickets to save your spot by signing up with eventbrite link in BIO :) 

Sponsored by:
MIKA Bushwick @mikabushwick
Curated by:
Lina Takeuchi @linatakefoto

AND here are the other local artists and small businesses getting together for Vol. 12 of Tuesday Pop-Up.

Let`s make this Magical TUESDAY happen again.

Tuesday, July, 27th Artist List


Yui Brooklyn @yuibrooklyn

Zofi and Clay @zofi_and_clay

ADORNED by you @adornedbyyou

SASAI @sasaijewelry

AKIHA NY @avakiha

GXDS7ABLE @gxds7able

RAMEN: Matuszaka Ramen @matsuzaka_ramen

Hope to see you there !

Curator Lina Takeuchi @linatakefoto

Earlier Event: June 29
Tuesday Pop-Up Vol. 11
Later Event: August 31
Tuesday Pop-Up Vol. 13